A productized, cloud-based
solution that allows
design thinking to be a
totally inclusive,
end-to-end process.


Intuitive. Inclusive. Integrated. Impactful
Built on 4.0 principles, AmploFly4.0DT augments the design thinking process in ways never before possible. Virtual in nature, user-friendly in design, this AI-supported, cloud-based platform:
  • Welcomes greater stakeholder input throughout the process
  • Enables participants to address, and tackle multiple challenges simultaneously.
  • Concludes with enhanced roadmapping (often overlooked in a traditional design thinking setting)
The AmploFly4.0DT platform empowers an organization to better address innovative approaches to maximizing the connectivity between their people, processes, machines, and data.
  • Connectedness / Collaboration
  • Transparency / Data awareness, and visualization.
  • Autonomy / Decentralization
  • Immediacy / Real-time awareness
  • Outcome-based thinking
  • Iterativeness
AmploFly4.0DT, facilitated by your appointed Design Thinking Champion, is built on a 5-step self-guided process.
  • Problem farming
  • Empathizing.
  • Ideating
  • Prototyping
  • Outcome-based thinking
  • Roadmapping
Is maximizing your organization's future success worth
30 minutes of your time?