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Megha Mondal



Glocalization: Preserving Culture Amid Globalization In the era of glocalization, cultural preservation is paramount. Discover how communities adapt to protect their heritage while embracing the… Read More »Glocalization

Sustainable Goals

Football with Sustainability

It’s time for a bicycle kick folks! FIFA is all set to give back to nature what truly belongs to it. Bending the ball strategically where it’s going to score for sustainability.

Green Compute

The Green Compute

Climate change is the new buzzword globally. Enterprises and consumers are looking at sustainable alternatives to protect the resources. One of the tallest industries that has leapfrogged into the Green Space is Information Technology (IT). Led by the top three vis. Amazon, Google and Microsoft, this sector is handholding large multi-continent corporations to MSMEs in their Green Compute journey.

Capability modeling

Look Before You Leap: Why Capability Modeling is Key to Industry 4.0 Success

Admittedly, the move from the Third Industrial Revolution to Industry 4.0 will not be easy. While enterprises are eager to adopt advanced digital technologies (Industrial IoT, predictive analytics, AI/ML, immersive tech, and the like), a number of roadblocks remain. Nearly 70% of projects are stuck in pilot purgatory, unable to scale beyond the initial proof of concept. Less than a third of manufacturing companies are deploying Industry 4.0 solutions at scale.


Green Manufacturing is the Future

As climate change undeniably ravages the planet, the need for reform in Manufacturing, above all industries is becoming dire by the day. As the industry that provides the largest number of jobs in the US, Manufacturing needs companies to make collective, deliberate and organized efforts toward building a sustainable future. Green Manufacturing is no longer just a trend, it is a necessity and an inevitability.

Energy Sector

Sustainability Powering the Energy Sector

In an increasingly competitive world with scarce resources and a deteriorating climate, Artificial Intelligence can help organizations navigate their path to sustainability and efficiency. AI has the potential to lower energy costs, cut energy waste, and accelerate the use of clean, renewable energy sources in power grids.

Sustainable Christmas

Christmas Wish for Sustainability

‘There’s always light at the end of the tunnel’ is the adage that can truly define how we plan to celebrate these last few days of the year. This year might remain etched in our memory as a grey year for a slightly rough edge it had. Given the massive scale of events this year, we should make a collective wish for a better future for humanity through sustainable practices both at home and on an industrial scale.